I'm about to run my first rife protocol- Morgellons. I have 2 generators to use at this time. Should I be using the BN or the MN for the protocol and how do I assign two generators to the protocol designed for 4 generators?

This is a myth that arose from the misunderstanding and misinterpretation of text on the Mall website which quickly spread, despite it being debunked in the Guide. The fact is that BOTH Remotes kill, and BOTH Remote heal. The MN (black) Remote kills slightly quicker than the BN (white) model, but we don't recommend using it for conditions where long non-stop Remote sessions are required.

These include Morgellons, Lyme, and cancer. So please use only BN (white) Remotes.

The only way to do a protocol designed for four generators using two is to proceed horizontally as well as vertically.

The next version of the Protocol will include a strategy for using two generators. Necessarily though, it will also for the first time involve doing multiple Contact Mode sessions daily as well as Remote Mode.

Right now, the problem is finding the time to get this done, so I may have to go AWOL from all other Spooky2 duties, including this Forum, for a couple of weeks.

For more details, please check the link:

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