1. I would be very cautious about administering insulin via any Rife machine. It would affect the entire body.
However, radionics might work. Then it could be delivered nasally as in Frey's study.
2.Please take time to review Dr Alan B. MacDonald's website.
You might find something helpful there
Be aware that there are profiteers that mean to confuse us on research, all for $$$.
AND to solidify that we are being lied to continually read this:
Likely an example for what happens to those that are not toeing the party line.
3. I recommend that you look at using coconut oil, 2 tablespoons a day, mix in with food if you can't stand eating it straight. Check out this Youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iScs0uzQZFk
For more details, please check the link:
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