1. Colloidal silver and silver sol (with the latter being the fastest and most effective) Have been shown in numerous research studies to be effective in defeating MRSA of all types even the one that can kill in 24 hours. Look up pattent #s 6,214,299; 6,743,348; & 7,135,195. These are for ASAP 22 Plus Silver Solution which is available from many health food stores or Amazon. another good brand is Gaurdian Silver.
2. Mark Grenon and his sons eliminated MRSA with MMS. They contracted it from working as volunteers in hospitals in the Dominican Republic, and they now teach the MMS protocols.
3. NATURAL GARLIC SUPPLEMENT Fights MRSA: You must look into Allimax/Allimed - it can be expensive, but it's the only research that I've come across that says it's actually strong enough to fight MRSA. Here is one woman's testimonial with pictures that I found. Our family uses the lesser strength Allimax to keep colds at bay - the Allimed is the much stronger version. I think it also comes in a cream. http://www.curezone.org/forums/am.asp?i=1971309
4. I think spooky2 is very good at killing bacteria. There are many infection frequencies. I had sepsis last year, and even after heavy antibiotics knew I had residual infection going on. So I took oil of oregano, liquid silver, varunadi vati, and MMS. This protocol also healed my fistula, which the doctors said could only be fixed with surgery.
5. I have found a German article called (translated): "MRSA pathogens fear Wild oregano and black currants"
I have got some Oregano essential oil and it is VERY strong, so dose it with this in mind. First use one cup of hot water (or tea) and use only 1 drop, then inhale the steam. If it don't gas-out anymore, then you can drink it. Dilute it before use it.
German article:
One natural medication based on black currants is named KREMO 058. (You don't need a prescription for this.) But maybe it is not available outside Germany?
Results of a study:
6. Check this thread of the forum:
Somebody mentioned Char's DNA frequencies for MRSA
7. HC range for Staph is from 376,270Hz to 381,000Hz. I would try with a little more wider range, from 365,000Hz to 383,000Hz.
For this purpose I have prepared a preset MM_MRSA, which uses MM_PulseMix3:
(3.07 KiB)
MM_Pulse Mix 3.csv
(8.75 KiB)
Just in case you don't have the waveform I have used, I include a copy of it. Copy it to your waveform folder. Copy the preset to your preset folder. Relaunch Spooky2, and run it.
The preset is for remote use with a boost cable or boost 2.0 but can also be used in contact mode, as the dwell is only two hours. I would use it twice a day.
Also the key is to boost the immune system, so it is your own body who wins the battle with the little help of the former sweep. I have prepared another preset, MM_Immune, which uses MM_ModSawtooth.
(4.82 KiB)
(9.11 KiB)
I have also included the waveform. Same thing, copy the waveform to your waveforms folder, the preset to your preset folder, and run it in remote mode, boost cable, nonstop during a week.
Please, keep us posted about the progress. The attachment could be download from the bottom.
8. Colloidal Silver/Swedish Bitters/with a few drops of DMSO remove the itch. Colloidal silver is known to stop MRSA. It is used in hospitals to disinfect MRSA.
For more details, please check the link:
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