Alternatively for Contact Mode, connect two BNC-to alligator clips cables–one to Out 1 and the other to Out 2. Then attach each red alligator clip only to your electrodes. Is this a must?

Regarding the paragraph on pg 145 Spooky2_User's_Guide_01022016, it is an alternative if you don't have a spooky boost. Doing it as described will give you increased amplitude that boost would have given you.

On your second question you should be careful about using more than one contact, cylinders or pads, at a time. Because the flows between them could get mixed up. The output of the cylinder could end up going into the input of the pad and the output of the pad could end up going into the input of the cylinder. Aka they could get crisis crossed. You will need to know where to properly place them so they don't interfere with each other.   

For more details, please check the link:

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