1. I would start by using blacktop remote with JW-killing and chlamydia and EBV virus. Loop that for a day and then next day I would use white top remote and JW-Healing and detox frequencies that looked relevant and loop that for a day. Then do blacktop remote with JW-Killing and do spooky spectrum sweep one day. Next day detox the body and then do spooky pulse and use those frequencies. Going back and forth from BN to MN remotes.
2. Some people do use a contact all night. Be careful initially so you don't herx. excessively, but sure, experiment with this.
You can run pain programs, or you can run Chlamydia infection programs, etc. Killing programs often cause more herx, rather than Healing programs are far less herxing than the killing.
For more details, please check the link:
3. I had chronically reactivated EBV and got rid of it with contact zapping frequencies. All symptoms gone, blood Test show slowly decreasing blood numbers.
My mercury I had removed with Alpha lip on acid infusions before. However I still have mercury in my fad, I think. I might run it again with Spooky2.
4. Even if you get one basic generator with a remote, it's effective. Frequency sweeps, are easy and already all set up. An amazing product. I have all the "extras" accessories, but get very sick using anything but the remote. Very nice Presets, very easy to use. It's ok to start slow. Yes, it's so worth it.
For more details, please check the link:
5. The Lyme protocol contains within it a part where you insert your own biofeedback scans to hunt and kill those alongside the rest of the program. Lyme protocol would be more complete and more systematic and already includes the hunt and kill biofeedback rather than biofeedback alone.
For more details, please check the link:
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