1. If you have spooky radionic device. rates for same can be used effectively. for direct broadcast or for remedy making or both.
2. I have experienced molecular weight frequency for serotonin few times, I would advise to test it carefully and in short time like 15 minutes and feel what happens, serotonin is involved in many functions so go ease. I have used my self for some longer period and few times good few times not, try JW remote MW preset for it and I do believe Radionics can work better and are safer, as MW are very experimental yet. When I mean better, I mean with emotional, mind problems. But I had great results with others healing sets for emotional/psychological problems, like Chakras, Schumman resonance, and others mind sets from spooky2 database, type mind on search tab and see what u can use in spooky2 software.
3.Seroton search results pictured without MW database selected. With MW selected there were 208 results. I presume the majority were drugs that affect the serotonin levels in some manner, etc.:
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