If anyone has worked with cavitation of the jaw bone due to root canal or tooth extraction. Looking to destroy the anaerobic bacteria that is creating toxins in the body.

1. I have avoided root canal issues by using colloidal silver. It kills the bacteria, so it may be the way for you to go! I know of others who have done likewise. Spooky2 makes the best colloidal silver I have produced in years!

2. You may want to try Doxycycline. I am running it now and it seems to be working
Doxycycline remote MW-444.43
1324.823965 169,577.467582
Doxycycline contact MW444.43
467.846480 59,884.349488

3. I suggest trying the "RL - Teeth and Mouth" set donated by member René Løweneck. You can find the post here:

4. Try osteonecrosis HC 
Also run Streptococcus variants and Staphylococcus variants as well. If these don't work then search programs for likely suspects using "bacterium." 

5. May I ask, have you already extracted the tooth? What did the dentist to with the infected area? Was there a sack of bacteria underneath the tooth? Sometimes it hangs under the tooth, pea-sized and the stench can be unbearable. 

You may already know this, but I'll write it anyway for other readers in the same situation:
If the infected bone has not been drilled out, the infection will take very long time to heal, if able to heal at all. The jaw has little blood flow, even worse on the lower jaw. That also limits the amount of action the immune system is able to take at the infected site. The infected bone must be removed, or you may never get well. The bone could encapsulate the infection, meaning you'll never get rid of it. The bacteria would live in peace, spewing out toxic waste products that put a serious burden on your health.

You'll have to find a dentist/oral surgeon with knowledge about this. Ask the dentist/oral surgeon for references. You have to make sure they really know what they are doing (most dentist think they do so they'll all say yes). Ask them how the procedure is done, how and where they set the local anestethic and what they use for disinfectant. If they use ozone and can administer ozone injections directly in the area, then you have probably found a good dentist. 

The surgery can be very painful. The anesthetic must be administered on the outside of the face to work, around the cheek bone if I remember correctly, and even then the procedure will be painful. So you'll be glad you went the extra mile and found a dentist who knows about meridians and set the anesthetic so it worked as well as it could. Setting the anesthetic at the infected area does not help much at all. 

After surgery make sure you run frequencies for detox and organ support. Your liver is most likely already chronically overburdened from the toxins from the anaerobic bacteria. If you have an ozonator, drink loads of ozonated water daily. You'll need it.

Once a month for a year, or longer, go to the dentist and have him inject syringes of ozone directly into the infected area. This will kill any leftover bacteria and stimulate growth. The dentist drills a tiny hole into the jaw bone from the inside of the mouth so the syringe can go right in to the bull's eye. When he forces the ozone out of the syringe, the pressure can feel like the jaw is going to erupt, but this just means he has hit the spot. It depends on the syringes, I had 4-5 syringes injected on every visit. 

Having anaerboic bacteria in your jaw can be a very serious health complication. Get the tooth extracted, remove any infected bone tissue, and follow up with ozone injections. The jaw bone must have at least 18 months of healing before any tooth implants, preferably two years. 

For more details, please check the link:

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