My dog was diagnosed with leukemia and lymphoma, I ran the terrain protocol first and then came up with the programs for killing. But his wbc and lymphocyte counts were worse. Any suggestions?

I would use the Intensive Care Protocol! I realize you can't get a full scan (the 20 top frequency responders, running for 3 minutes each, totaling 60 minutes) to insert into the ICP, but you can *create* a fake scan!

To do that, just go to the Programs tab and load in all the sets that total around 60 minutes. Then save it as "Scan Not Scan Date Dog's Name" (or something like that). And then load it into the Intensive Care Protocol as instructed in the pdf. (Do not save it in a shell as a preset - the ICP has it's own shell for loading scan results).

That way you'll have all the killing frequencies AND the detoxification frequencies (which are ESSENTIAL when killing cancer), running at the same time.

My opinion on die definitely raw or lightly seared, and keto only if there is solid evidence that dogs respond favorably with those specific cancers. Keto is not sustainable (for human or animals), it's ultra high in fat, and that can throw MAJOR pancreatic issues. I'd be *extremely* cautious about a keto diet - not nearly enough long-term studies and evidence of safety for this ole gal.

For more details, please check the link:

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