1. I see one program for "Lactose Intolerance".
I am currently using the "Hypothalamus Balance" because one practitioner told me this is where the "allergy record" for the body is stored. It seems to help remove the spurious sensitivities.
It won't do anything for the foods that have a scientific reason for causing issues, however.
2. I have a great tolerance of seasonal allergies both ragweed and pollen. Also, last year sometime these questions were asked and people reported that after Rifing their body seemed better balanced to be able to handle gluten better. I do not ache as bad and get as much stomach and intestinal upsets as I did before Rifing. So I do eat more gluten though I know I still should stay away from it. What kind of experience have you had? Are you Rifing for leaky gut or gluten intolerance yet? I have not.
3. Some time ago I ran the complete Morgellons protocol, even though I don't have Morgellons. It took care of my gluten issues. I did it because it seems to cover many things. It was a LONG protocol and highly recommended.
For more details, please check the link from:
4. Probably due to pathogens in her Gi tract that have a reaction when eating these foods. They (pathogens) feed off dairy, eggs, gluten, etc. Instead of avoiding those foods, try avoiding while killing these bugs. To know which bugs, do scans on Spooky2 and kill.
5. It might due to the lack of natural upbringing of the cows in the states (no sunlight, grains, and soya, instead of grass, etc). Trying to source raw biodynamic milk would be worst a try.
There are two programs for that:
For more details, please check the link:
Lactose intolerance is from what I've read comes from pasteurization of the milk leaving it without good bacteria. I have not ever been able to drink milk without vomiting but, recently, I started getting raw cow milk from a farm bc., of all the benefits of it. I clabber it and if you take small amounts for...some say a year but, it was only about two months for me you built up the enzymes to digest it. This is what has happened to me so at 64 years old I can finally drink milk and love it!
Plus raw milk has lactase in it that helps your body breakdown lactose sugar which, pasteurized and ultra pasteurization destroy!
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