I have tried many different remedies for my dog's hot spots, but nothing has helped for more than a few days. It finally occurred to me to try the frequency for the color blue (Dinshah) as it is supposed to be good to help stop itching. The Spook2 remote has been running now for about 14 hours and my dog is no longer scratching nonstop and her skin is definitely less red all over. She is not home free, but this has been going on for months and the healing process will take time. Maybe this will help someone else, too.
The settings I have entered for remote treatment are
149.74 Hz, using
MM_ModSquareDC17 waveform,
duty 50,
amp 10,
offset 100
harmonic wobble: 2% 16 stage wobble
frequency limits:
Out 1: 100000-3000000
output shadowing
out2=(out1 x .03125)+0 Hz
For more details, please check the link:
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