1. Colloidal Silver sprayed into the eye 4 times per day and a high dose of Astaxanthin (capsule form).
2. The current spooky database has killing protocols for these nasty protozoans, although the specific amoeba is not listed. The action I would take if I had such would be to select the JW Killing preset for Remote , use the BN remote (white top) on both out channels (2 remotes needed) , go to the Programs tab of the Spooky2 software , and search "amoeba" and hit ENTER , choose Amoeba General , Parasites and Amoebas 4 , Protozan Infections (from keyword search protozoan) - and run it for a few cycles. Run some immune support protocols (JW Healing preset), and alternate. Also, I would set up a string of JW Killing preset protocols for Ulcerative Keratitis, Corneal Ulcer and run these as well, alternating with Immune Support as mentioned. If it were me, I would try to get as much colloidal silver as practical in the affected eye as well.
It seems that amoebas/protozoan are pretty prevalent in the GI tract , and similar friendly areas - when Julie snagged her eye, her eye watered and the contamination must have been on the fingers or even under the nails - a warm, moist eye socket to set up shop. According to the pathology of this nasty infection, I would not wait long to get running ASAP, as this nasty kills host cells (eye tissue) on it journey to it's eventual demise - the plan is to kill as quickly as possible. The thing is, my personal Spooky2 experience would give me the confidence to try exactly what I qualified above, without hesitation, so that's what I would do for myself.
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