1. I found something that someone else said was helping them and have been using that. So please do your own research, but here it is: I created my own Program called: Ectoderm Tissue Repair 292Hz. The 292Hz was said to help repair a blackened tooth that was injured to turn white and believed that it could help potentially with cavities or regrowing dentin. It's very experimental. The other Program suggested was Nogier F.
Spooky Coil (XM Direct) - JW Preset
REMOVE BOOST; Plug directly into OUT 1
Select Freq 10 HZ which is under PROGRAM Liver. (Look for the one that has 10 Hz ONLY)
Set to run Non-stop - hold Coil for about 15 mins on area to see if it is effective. You can move it around if you need to, but 15 mins per area.
It has helped relieve my pain enough so I am able to get some sleep. This is sciatic pain and other pains. Sciatic - very difficult to relieve - it takes a while about 15 - 20 mins but it does eventually work for me and I have to sleep with it.
2. I had a tooth/gum infection. The dentist took a picture of it and says he wants me to see a surgeon. I searched on google and found this toothpaste with homeopathy items for gums and infections. It's in most store but in vitamin health stores. I dabbed some on several times a day and started healing right away. I never did go to the surgeon: http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tomsofmaine.com%2Fproduct-details%2Fantiplaque-propolis-and-myrrh-toothpaste&h=VAQFny56l
3. Yes probably too late for avoiding antibiotics - and I haven't used the spooky yet except for detox. - and that has worked strongly on teeth - can really feel it. Sorry can't help you yet with spooky as I am too much of a novice.
But I had an abscess with face swelling recently caused by a seed getting under the back molar through a pocket. I mixed up numeric, sea salt, garlic, clove, simmered for five minutes, cooled, then added shredded lemon & Kafir lime leaves, colloidal silver. After brushing with sea salt and coconut oil, then oil pulling with sesame oil, rinsed the cooled mix in mouth for ten minutes x 3 per day. The face swelling disappeared after one rinse, and infection disappeared in two days - (and seed came out with oil pulling first oil pull). This is all good if done asap of course. I would think using spooky as well it could be a permanent healing.
4. I'd try 5 Allimax a day, a spoonful of cod liver oil a day, about 25-30 Bioplasma cell salts. Try running that new grade scan on some tooth infection sets to see what she reacts to. Gargle with warm salt water every hour, and colloidal silver. NO sugar. I've killed abscesses with less. Impacted wisdom tooth, depending on how it's positioned, may need removing. Make appointment sooner than later.
5. Last Monday I brought her to my house kicking and screaming (not quite, but almost LOL), Wired her up and ran Dental Infection 1 CAFL, and Wide spectrum Antibiotic 4 CUST. I also ran blood purification on Cold Laser. You may remember her tooth was in significant pain, she couldn't work, and her face and glands were up, so the side of her face was swollen. After the day, she reported the next day feeling somewhat better, and so asked this time if she could do another contact session. This was a turnaround. So on Thursday we did another 4 hours of contact. BTW I've been doing remote of the same frequencies the whole time too. In short 5 days, crisis over, no drugs, no nuthin.
For more details, please check the link from:
6. The PEMF Coil would probably be the best choice in addition to running programs by remote since you should not be using the TENS Pads above the shoulders.
If you have the PEMF coil, open a shell empty preset for the XM PEMF coil. Select the Schumann resonance program which is 7.83 Hz and run that several times. The default is 10 minutes. If you know how to create a custom program, you could also run 10 Hz which is a frequency known to help healing.
7. It was parasite protocol to extract to dumb us down, the jaw had the room and why mess with our creator's plan. Gargle with good Himalayan salts and colloidal silver solution and semi gargle that. You can make up 30ppm for any infections that need healing quickly.
8. Coconut oil is good. Oil pulling has been around for centuries and coconut oil is both anti-bacterial and offers some therapeutic benefits. You can take an ounce of CS daily but before you swallow it, swish it around your mouth for several minutes like mouthwash. There are many dentists now who believe that teeth can both repair damage and regrow enamel when given the right conditions. Unfortunately, our modern diet is antithetical to healing our teeth and our food/soil is so depleted of nutrients that our bodies often don't have the building blocks necessary to repair damage.
For more details, please check the link:
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