Is it possible take a piece of scab or flake of skin off an external basal cell skin cancer tumor, put it in a piece of tape and use it in Remote mode to kill that "specific" tumor on the body?

1. This is an intriguing question; and worth investigation. If the DNA acts as a transmitter/receiver, and it's still alive it would be possible to send frequencies to DNA that matches this in the body. If on the receiving side; the transmitted frequencies were then broadcast within the surrounds of that cell it may be possible to resonate any microbes there and so 'treat' the overall cell health (which may have 'cancerous' DNA configuration). However, this is different to 'killing' the bad DNA itself, because it doesn't seem likely that some DNA would transmit a killing frequency to its brother/sister if only for the fact that it probably would have been killed itself- so instead; I think its more about; being able to transmit/receive to the right cells in the body some message. In theory, using DNA would be better than a fingernail, etc.

Another idea would be to run a healing set on that damaged DNA; with the theory that whatever is around that DNA in the body is out of balance and by transmitting a frequency such as 7.83Hz, it would change the environment or re-energize that cell. Think of the remote-mode as a telephone call, you are transmitting information or instructions.

For more details, please check the link:

2. You will need healthy DNA to transfer the frequencies to your body.

3. Yes, except you would put it under one of the killing programs. Personally, I feel that might be a brilliant idea.

4. If you do that I also feel it would be good if you had a fresh sample daily. The frequencies needed won't be picked up if the material is dead it works the same way I'm sure as blood does. And I think I would use the Hunt&Kill preset and let it cycle through until it kills everything as it does that it'll be treating your body also.

For more details, please check the link:

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  • Hi, this is the very issue that occupies my attention for about two months when I've managed to obtain several not stained microscope slides of my daughter's lymph node biopsy samples. One month ago I submitted a request to the Spooky 2 support team to help me dissolve this dilemma: on one hand, I have in that sample cancerous lymphocytes with mutated genes (TP53 and so on) along with possibly present oncoviruses which supposed to be subjects for killing, on the other hand, I have her sick lymph node which supposed to be healed...  I was not surprised when I did not get the direct answer due to the controversial nature of this issue, and now I'm very glad, that this question has been elevated on the level of discussion and I want to share with you with my thoughts.

    Nowadays, the specimens of organs and tissues obtained during the operation procedure or biopsy are widely available for the patients. The pathologists impregnate these tissues with paraffin, slice them with microtome and investigate under the microscope. Paraffin impregnated tissue has about 10 years of shelflife and available for conducting different tests including DNA. So, it is absolutely possible to have a live and responsive DNA sample in your remote transmitter and use it without changing it, just one need to ask them not to stain the microscope slides. Those glass microscope slides perfectly fit in the slot of old remote transmitters V 1.1, but for the new clamshell remotes I cut the glass slides in appropriate sizes and round-up the sharp corners with Rotary tool. Here you would need another constituent - a thin glass cover sheet (both the microscope slides as well as the cover sheets are easily available online and they are cheap) to cover the specimen. By the way, you may significantly prolong your blood DNA sample by sandwiching it between the microscope slide and the cover sheet. By doing so you actually drive out the air preventing the specimen to spoil. In addition I pack my slides with masking tape not to contaminate the capacity of the remote transmitter.

    So, now we may have a sample of ill tissue being treated within the compartment of the remote transmitter, which, according to the principle of quantum entanglement would be directly transmitted to the host. Here I can't come to the point in concern with viruses... If we heal the specimen, how the healing regime would reflect on the bad guys? Would the viruses flourish, or what...? I believe, if we compose a healing program set, which would not include any program addressing pathogens frequencies, then the viruses would be left alone and we have to chase them separately. I think that the seriousness of this issue is very much worth to be answered by the authors of Spooky 2.

     I'm a rookie user of this great system and I am a medical Dr. not a physicist, and I can't compose my own programs yet, and I believe, that the majority of users pick the ready presets. I'm sure, that the clarification of this issue will greatly benefit the users and build unsurpassed credibility and reputation of the crew.

    Now, I conduct the remote treatment the way I've mentioned above. Also, I've prepared the specimen DNA slides, but I don't risk to implement them yet. The patients with serious maladies are very vulnerable and it is easily possible to hurt them, also, they don't have much time for experimental trials. I'm prone to peak and use certified and proven frequencies and carefully choose the delivery algorithm. I would be anxiously waiting to see this question solved.

    With best regards,  Manuk Khachatryan.


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