I have a friend with several problems of rheumatoid arthritis and another friend with atopic dermatitis. In relation to Spooky2, which are your advices to treat rheumatoid arthritis and atopic dermatitis?

Re atopic dermatitis

1. Run Terrain Protocol contact or White Remote. Rerun periodically say every 2-3 months.
Presets\Contact\Remove Metals Minus Mercury (C) - BY use this one if person has amalgam fillings.

2. Search Programs using "Dermatitis" (without quotes). Select the more relevant programs and run Spooky Biofeedback using contact with Grade option.
Spooky2 Biofeedback Explained (by John White) 
[SAMA] Episode 05: Biofeedback and Q&A  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSliY7WIt-k

3. Run programs: Inflammation General, Immune System (various), Immune Support.
Also search programs using "inflammation" and grade relevant programs. Do same for "Immune"

Apply Virgin (raw) coconut oil (cold pressed) on skin where it's itchy. Apply when ever the skin feels itchy. Continue application for several months until rash disappears completely. I got rid of both ringworm and psoriasis using Coconut oil.

Re Rheumatoid Arthritis.

1. Run Terrain protocol.
2. Grade Arthritis programs.
3. Grade Inflammation programs.
4. Grade Immune programs.

Consider Ezorb to rebuild cartiledge. I have used this product for bone spurs and has helped in reducing pain in knee joint. http://www.elixirindustry.com/ezorb/

In addition to the above consider my home made brew for arthritis:

For more details, please check the link from:

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