1. Gadolinium poisoning from MRI dye is in antibiotics too. Found this is nanotechnology used in many products very toxic. A good start is
2. I've had MCAS my whole life. I just recently began treating it with Spooky2. Doing a biofeedback scan (with a new scan every week or so ) and running the results as treatment (in contact mode)at least one hour a day. I experience total relief while I am in contact mode running the scan results. I have also been running the frequency for mastocytosis for a minimum of 1 hour per day this past week. The symptoms appear to be settling down. When MCAS gets triggered for me it can last for a year on average, with nothing offering true relief. This episode has begun turning around as soon as I started the Spooky2 protocol. My golden rule is to stay away from anything that may suppress symptoms.
For more details, please check the link:
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