The full installation routine is shown in the Spooky2 manual. But briefly, download the installer from here. UnZIP the file and double click it. The installation will start. You will be asked to choose a language. Choose "I agree" to the license agreements. Several other shortcut and directory location questions will be asked. The installer will also install drivers for the USB controller. When complete, Spooky2 will start and you will see the Beginner screen. If the installation is an upgrade to an existing one, and a Spooky2.exe file has not been provided on the Downloads web-page, it's best to go through the driver(s) installation. The installer may report that no changes were made to these - this means your drivers are up to date.
You can check the blog-How to Install Spooky2 Software:
Please check the detailed users guide downloaded from here:
Hello friends,
Spooky2 Starter Pack 20200715
Spooky2 Installations Programm am 15. Juli 2020
I insalled both, is this OK or not, thanks for Info !!
Greetings from Bern
Deva Abhiyana
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