"[Preset]" "PresetName=Cataracts (CAN-C eye drops) (R) MW" "Padlock=0" "SetAmplitudeModulation=0" "Text2=1" "Text3=1" "Text4=0" "Text8(3)=1" "Text9=1" "Text14=1" "Text10=0" "Text11=50" "Text12(0)=133000" "Text12(1)=152000" "Text12(2)=20" "Text12(3)=0" "Text12(4)=10" "Text12(5)=30" "Text12(6)=1" "Text12(7)=.025" "Text13(0)=" "Text17=L-Carnosine MW https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/439224#section=Top Chemical Names: L-Carnosine; Carnosine; 305-84-0; Beta-Alanyl-L-histidine; Karnozin; Karnozzn More... Molecular Formula: C9H14N4O3 Molecular Weight: 226.236 g/mol http://www.preventcataract.org/ " "Text20=5" "Text21=0" "Text22(0)=1" "Text22(1)=0" "Text22(2)=1" "Text22(3)=0" "Text22(4)=0" "Text22(5)=0" "Text22(6)=0" "Text22(7)=0" "Text22(10)=0" "Text22(11)=0" "Text22(12)=0" "Text22(13)=0" "Text25=0" "Text27=0" "Text28=The following is taken from the 'Expert Opinion' link on Can-C.net. Essentially, N-acetylcarnosine is a 'carrier' for the di-peptide L-carnosine into the aqueous humor of the eye (this is the fluid area surrounding the lens). It is here that the substance becomes most active in its ability to basically act as a natural and comprehensive anti-oxidant. Once N-acetylcarnosine has delivered L-carnosine safely through the aqueous humor into the lens, the L-carnosine itself is flushed out of the eye via the canal of schlemm, and once into the bloodstream it is broken down by carnosinase and excreted. N-acetylcarnosine is acting as a time release version of carnosine resistant to hydrolysis with carnosinases. The major role of N-acetylcarnosine and L-carnosine is their facility to act in the biological system as universal antioxidants. They possess the ability to protect cells from oxidative stress, both in the lipid phase of cellular membranes and in the aqueous environment. L-carnosine is able to reduce the content of lipid peroxidation products in the peroxidized lens fiber cells plasma membranes, and to repair their structure accordingly. It is the only known anti-oxidant able to protect structural proteins of the lens/alpha-crystalline, from the free-radical induced oxidation process. The statistics in the human trials in Russia show that Can-C eye-drops, applied for 6-months (twice daily into the eye) in patients all suffering from senile cataract, had the following results: 88.9% had an improvement of glare sensitivity. 41.5% had an improvement of the transmissivity of the lens. 90% had an improvement in visual acuity. http://www.preventcataract.org/ This is a Remote Mode 'Shell Preset' containing no frequencies. It has been designed for programs that heal, entrain or detox. Spooky Remote provides a convenient way to send frequencies from any distance. Sandwich your DNA in some paper tape and insert into the slot of Spooky Remote. Choose the programs you wish to run, and start the generator. DNA Entanglement transfers the frequencies directly into your DNA. The Preset has been designed to loop continuously until stopped. Connect your Spooky Remote-BN to the 'BN' port of Spooky Boost." "Text29=0" "Text31=16" "Text32=0" "Text33=16" "Text37(0)=0" "Text37(1)=0" "Text37(2)=0" "Text37(3)=0" "Text41=0" "Text44(0)=4" "Text44(1)=10" "Text44(2)=125" "Text44(3)=125" "Text45=1" "Text7(0)=1" "Text7(1)=1" "Text7(2)=1" "Text7(3)=1" "Text7(4)=1" "Text7(5)=8" "Text7(6)=8" "Text7(7)=16" "Text7(8)=16" "Text7(9)=1" "Text7(10)=1" "Text7(11)=0" "Text7(12)=0" "Text7(13)=0" "Text7(14)=0" "Text7(15)=0" "Text7(16)=0" "Text7(17)=0" "Text7(18)=0" "Text7(19)=0" "Text7(20)=0" "Text7(21)=0" "Text7(22)=2" "Text7(23)=2" "Text7(24)=2" "Text7(25)=2" "Text7(26)=2" "Text7(27)=2" "Text7(28)=2" "Text7(29)=2" "Text7(30)=2" "Text7(31)=2" "Text7(32)=2" "Text7(33)=0" "Text7(34)=0" "Text7(35)=0" "Text7(36)=0" "Text7(37)=0" "Text7(38)=0" "Text7(39)=0" "Text7(40)=0" "Text7(41)=0" "Text7(42)=0" "Text7(43)=0" "Text7(44)=1" "Text7(45)=0" "Text7(46)=0" "Combo1=Add F1 to F2" "Combo2=None" "Combo3=Midnight" "Combo4=Midnight" "Combo5=8x" "Combo6=Do NOT sort frequencies" "Combo7=Disabled" "Combo8=Disabled" "Combo12=Colloidal Silver" "Combo14=Sine" "Option1(0)=False" "Option1(1)=False" "Option1(2)=False" "Option2(0)=True" "Option2(1)=False" "Option2(2)=True" "Option2(3)=False" "Option5(0)=True" "Option5(1)=False" "Option6(0)=True" "Option6(1)=False" "Option6(2)=False" "Option6(3)=True" "Option6(4)=False" "Option6(5)=False" "Option6(6)=False" "Option6(7)=True" "Option30(0)=False" "Option30(1)=True" "Option30(2)=False" "Option30(3)=False" "Option30(4)=False" "Option30(5)=False" "Option30(6)=False" "Option30(7)=False" "Option30(8)=False" "Option30(9)=False" "Option30(10)=False" "Option40(0)=False" "Option40(1)=False" "Option40(2)=False" "Option40(3)=False" "Option40(4)=False" "Option40(5)=False" "Option40(6)=False" "Option40(7)=False" "Option40(8)=False" "Option40(9)=False" "Option40(10)=False" "Option40(11)=False" "Option40(12)=True" "Check2=0" "Check3=0" "Check4(0)=1" "Check4(1)=0" "Check4(2)=1" "Check6(0)=0" "Check6(1)=0" "Check6(2)=0" "Check6(3)=0" "Check8(0)=1" "Check8(1)=1" "Check8(2)=0" "Check8(3)=0" "Check8(4)=0" "Check8(5)=0" "Check8(6)=0" "Check8(7)=0" "Check8(8)=0" "Check8(9)=0" "Check8(10)=0" "Check8(11)=0" "Check8(12)=0" "Check8(13)=0" "Check8(14)=0" "Check9(0)=0" "Check9(1)=0" "Check12(0)=0" "Check12(1)=0" "Check12(2)=0" "List2=N-Acetylcarnosine MW (CUST)" "List2=L-Carnosine MW (CUST)" "List4=M268.273=180," "List4=M226.236=180," "[/Preset]"